This information is provided for the website “” (Website) owned by Eurofish Napoli srl, with its registered office at Via Palazziello n. 129, 80040, Volla (NA), registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Naples with VAT no. 06997850638; with a share capital of 3,039,714 € fully paid up (Company), acting as the Data Controller in accordance with the GDPR.
In compliance with the GDPR, we hereby inform you that the Data Controller will process the personal data concerning you under the following conditions.
Art. 1. Purposes and legal basis of the processing. Mandatory or optional provision. Consequences of refusal to process. The processing of personal data is aimed at achieving the following purposes:
a. to allow compliance with obligations arising from current laws or regulations, in particular, in the administrative, accounting, and public security fields. The legal basis for processing is the need for the Data Controller to implement pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the interested party or to fulfill a legal obligation;
b. to respond to your inquiries through customer care service. Providing this information is optional, but your refusal will mean that the Data Controller cannot answer your questions through this service. The legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in following up on user requests. This legitimate interest is equivalent to the user’s interest in receiving answers to communications sent to the Data Controller;
c. to respond to your inquiries via email, phone, or mail. Providing this information is optional, but your refusal will make it impossible for the Data Controller to respond to your requests. The legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in answering user requests. This legitimate interest is equivalent to the user’s interest in receiving answers to communications sent to the Data Controller. Regardless of the above, it is understood that the Data Controller may still use your personal data solely to ensure correct compliance with the current laws and obligations arising from contractual relationships between you and the Data Controller.
d. to carry out marketing activities by sending emails and via instant messaging channels.

SPECIAL OR JUDICIAL DATA The Data Controller does not process special or judicial data. Art. 2. Processing methods The processing of your personal data will mainly be carried out with the aid of electronic or automated means, in ways and with tools designed to ensure its security and confidentiality in accordance with the GDPR. The information acquired and the processing methods will be relevant and not excessive concerning the type of services provided. The data will also be managed and protected in environments where access is under constant control.

Art. 3. Communication and dissemination of data Your data may be communicated to: • all those subjects (including Public Authorities) that have access to personal data by virtue of regulatory or administrative measures • companies, consultants or professionals possibly entrusted with the installation, maintenance, updating, and, in general, the management of the hardware and software of the Data Controller or which the latter uses to provide its services • the company responsible for carrying out customer care activities • all those public and/or private entities, natural and/or legal persons (legal, administrative and tax consultancy firms, Judicial Offices, Chambers of Commerce, Chambers and Labor Offices, etc.), if the communication is necessary or functional to the proper fulfillment of the obligations arising from the law. • The data concerning you will not be disseminated, except in anonymous and aggregate form, for statistical or research purposes.

Art. 4. Data Controller The Data Controller for personal data can be contacted at the following details: Eurofish Napoli S.R.L. Via Palazziello, 129 Volla, NA 80040, Italy Phone: 081.7735794 Email:

Art. 5. Retention of Personal Data The user’s data will be retained only for the time necessary to ensure the proper provision of the services offered and, in any case, within the terms set by the regulations or the measures of the Data Protection Authority.

Art. 6. Rights of the Data Subject Under Art. 13 of the Privacy Regulation, the Data Controller informs you that you have the right to: Request access to personal data from the Data Controller and the correction or deletion of the same, or to restrict the processing concerning you, or to object to their processing, as well as the right to data portability. Withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent given before its withdrawal. Submit a complaint to a supervisory authority (e.g., the Data Protection Authority). The aforementioned rights can be exercised with an informal request directed to the Data Controller at the above-mentioned contacts.

Art. 7. Changes The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this notice at any time, duly notifying users of the Site and always ensuring appropriate and similar protection of personal data.
In order to view any changes, you are invited to regularly review this information.