The General Management of EUROFISH NAPOLI SRL considers the safeguarding of the environment, as well as the quality and food safety, to be a fundamental element for the development of its own activity in selection, sorting, sectioning, storage, marketing, and wholesale distribution of fresh and frozen fish and crustacean products, and the marketing of fresh bivalve mollusks, with a view to the continuous improvement of environmental performance.
For this purpose, it commits to adopting the following strategic principles:
- It has introduced a documented Environmental Management System and has defined tasks and responsibilities within EUROFISH NAPOLI SRL
- It ensures full compliance with the environmental legislation and regulations applicable to EUROFISH NAPOLI SRL and keeps it under control
minimizing the internal and external environmental impacts resulting from the activities of EUROFISH NAPOLI SRL, by reducing energy consumption, waste production, resource wastage, and the use of substances and materials - It quantitatively sets out environmental objectives and goals, constantly assessing the progress of activities and verifying the degree of their achievement
- It provides all the necessary resources to achieve specific environmental objectives for the continuous improvement of performance and safety levels in the workplace and to prevent pollution
- It involves all employees by spreading an ever-growing culture of environmental respect through training, awareness, and educational activities
- It develops, where possible, collaborative activities with suppliers/customers and all other stakeholders, in order to ensure a harmonious integration of its activities into the environment and to respond to their requests and/or any complaints
- It ensures that purchased materials and services meet appropriate environmental standards and adopts all technological and plant solutions that are economically compatible with the reality of EUROFISH NAPOLI SRL
- It periodically reviews the Environmental Management System and the related improvement projects, objectives, and goals
- It involves stakeholders (representatives of the local community, environmental organizations, local administration, etc.) in communication activities, defined from time to time for the purpose of external awareness of its Environmental Management System and is open to eco-sustainable suggestions
In order to ensure the efficient operation of the Environmental Management System, the roles, responsibilities, tasks, and mutual relations of all personnel who direct, carry out, and monitor activities that have an impact on the environment are identified.
The General Management has appointed Dr. Avolio Mariagrazia as its Representative (Management Representative), to whom all the necessary resources have been provided to ensure that the Environmental Management System is applied, maintained over time, and improved The General Management is firmly committed to continuously stimulating the evolution of the Environmental Management System by preparing everything necessary to achieve the set objectives and to meet the varied needs and expectations of its customers.
The General Management will periodically review the Environmental Management System to ensure its continuous and proper alignment with company objectives and the needs and expectations of its customers. This policy is disseminated to all internal and external collaborators, customers, suppliers, and contractors.
This policy is available to anyone who requests it.
Considering the type of market in which it operates, its high dynamism, and the level of competition, the General Management of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l. believes that controlling all the factors that influence the selection, sorting, sectioning, storage, marketing, and wholesale distribution of fresh and frozen fish and crustacean products, as well as the marketing of fresh bivalve mollusks, and compliance with legal regulations regarding safety in the company and food hygiene and safety (HACCP), are fundamental elements to gain and maintain a competitive advantage. These are the critical success factors on which the General Management of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l. bases
defines its policies and growth objectives, thereby ensuring the achievement of maximum effectiveness and efficiency in every activity of the managerial and operational processes.
The General Management of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l., to make this commitment tangible, intends to resort to organizational and technological standards to protect health and safety, in line with its own needs and availability. Moreover, the General Management of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l. believes that achieving this prestigious goal represents an opportunity to improve the overall functioning of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l.
Therefore, in line with the regulations related to quality and food safety management, the General Management has set out to ensure that the selection, sorting, sectioning, storage, and wholesale trade of fish products, fresh and frozen bivalve mollusks, and crustaceans meet the quality and food safety requirements that fully satisfy the needs and expectations of the customer, and to continuously improve the quality and food safety standards as a safeguard for the needs and interests of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l. itself.
For this purpose, the General Management is committed to implementing a Quality and Food Safety Management System that prevents any shortcomings and risks associated with the processes and activities of selection, sorting, sectioning, storage, and wholesale trading of
fish products, fresh and frozen bivalve mollusks, and crustaceans, and that independently adopts corrective and preventive actions for those activities that influence the quality and food safety management of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l., as well as the environmental aspects most directly involved in the processes and activities themselves.
Eurofish Napoli Srl has analyzed its own context and, in particular, all the external and internal factors (positive, negative, and/or any condition to be taken into consideration) that are relevant, that is, that influence its ability to achieve the expected results. Such factors are constantly monitored and are periodically reviewed.
In defining its Policy for Quality and Food Safety, the General Management ensures that it is genuinely suitable for the purposes of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l. and that it truly facilitates the continuous improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the Quality and Food Safety Management System. For this purpose, the General Management of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l. sets out the following guiding principles:
- constant compliance with the requirements demanded by the Customer and a focus on their satisfaction.
- continuous attention to the needs and satisfaction of all Stakeholders, Workers, Local Authorities, Associations, and the General Public, and communication with them;
- compliance with the laws and regulations of relevant sectors and with the requirements endorsed by the company itself;
- maintaining a high level of application and respect for product traceability and alert management; reduction of costs and improvement of process efficiency;
- maintaining a high level of hygiene compliance in the workplace; improvement of the pest control plan with the aim of minimizing related risks; establishment of a system for data collection and processing to define specific and measurable objectives;
- raising awareness and involving all staff to achieve the set objectives and goals;
- constant monitoring and planning of their Management System with a view to continuous improvement;
- promotion and implementation of training activities for staff at all levels based on the set objectives and goals;
creation of suitable and safe workplaces. - improvement of food quality and safety.
The Policy for Quality and Food Safety aims to achieve the improvement of the final quality of the selection, sorting, sectioning, storage, marketing, and wholesale distribution of fresh and frozen fish and crustacean products, as well as the marketing of fresh bivalve mollusks, through objective control both in the operational phase and throughout the entire process, but also food safety and hygiene. In particular, in order to achieve the aforementioned strategic objectives and to translate them into operational objectives, the General Management commits to ensuring that the Policy for Quality and Food Safety is communicated and understood within Eurofish Napoli s.r.l. at all levels of responsibility. It invites all departments to identify objectives for food quality and safety that are consistent with the strategic ones and that allow their achievement, committing to provide the necessary organizational and financial support for this purpose. Indeed, consistent with the policies and strategies always supported, the General Management of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l. considers the involvement of every single resource as fundamental and indispensable, achieved through the continuous motivation of the company staff and support for all initiatives aimed at improving company performance.
The Policy for Quality and Food Safety is annually reviewed by the General Management to verify its ongoing suitability. Similarly, the objectives are also reviewed during the audits of the Quality and Food Safety Management System for their feasibility, consistency, measurability, and relevance to the Policy for Quality and Food Safety. Likewise, the milestones and commitments identified for this purpose are reviewed in relation to financial planning and the investments already established or that will be established following the directions received from the heads of the company functions. Furthermore, in defining its operational objectives, the General Management recommends that the functions pursue the centrality of the customer and their utmost satisfaction. It also emphasizes the compliance of the selection, sorting, sectioning, storage, marketing, and wholesale distribution of fresh and frozen fish and crustacean products, as well as the marketing of fresh bivalve mollusks, with specified requirements. Moreover, they strive for the continuous improvement of Eurofish Napoli s.r.l.’s performance in terms of quality. La Direzione Generale s’impegna a diffondere la propria Politica per la Qualità e Sicurezza Alimentare presso i Clienti e tutte le Parti Interessanti.
Volla, January 9, 2023.
The Management.